Ashlee Birtcil » Ashlee Birtcil - French

Ashlee Birtcil - French

Madame Birtcil (she/her)
Room 531
Bienvenue à la classe de français !
Welcome to French class! I look forward to having you in my classroom this year. I will be teaching two sections of French I, three sections of French II (including one section of French II Honors), and a combined section of French III Advanced Honors and French IV Advanced Honors. Grades are updated regularly in Skyward, so be sure to check often.
Zoom Office Hours are available by request. Please remember that during class time I will be focused on teaching and therefore will be unable to respond to e-mails or voicemails. However, I will get back to you as soon as possible!
Required materials
1 college-ruled notebook
1 black dry erase marker
Pencils/black or blue pens
Loose-leaf, lined paper
1 folder
1st Period French III/French IV
2nd Period French II
3rd Period Planning
4th Period French I
5th Period French II Honors
6th Period French II
7th Period French I