Pay Band Class Fees Electronically through Zeffy

Dear SCHS Band Families,

We are excited to announce that we have successfully set up a new online payment processing system for parents who wish to pay by ACH or credit/debit card.

The platform we are using is called Zeffy. What makes Zeffy unique is that it allows you, the purchaser, to decide the level of processing fees you want to pay. The Stewarts Creek High School Band will retain 100% of the payment, regardless of the fee amount you choose. You can opt to pay Zeffy’s suggested processing fees, set your own amount, or even enter $0.00. Either way, our band program receives the full payment.

In addition to the standard fee schedule and installments, Zeffy also provides the option to pay any amount needed to the Stewarts Creek High School Band using the "add a donation" feature.  Simply enter the desired amount in the “Add a donation for Stewarts Creek High School Band” field. This is particularly helpful for those parents who have odd balances due to fundraising or credits from previous years or for those who need to stretch or extend smaller payment amounts.

To help you navigate this new system, we have created a guide. Please take a look and let us know if it answers your questions or if additional explanation is needed. You can find the link to Zeffy on the SCHS Band parent portal:

All payments made through Zeffy will be processed using the SCHS Band’s Stripe Account and will be deposited into the SCHS Band Booster Club bank account. These funds will then be transferred to the school account as needed. We hope this new system will provide a convenient and flexible payment option for everyone.
