SCHS Band: Your Monday Night Rundown (MNR) - Week of 01/22/2024

Good Evening SCHS Band Members and Families,
Here is your Monday Night Rundown (MNR) for the week of January 22, 2024:
Updated Band Student Activity Statements Sent
Updated copies of the most recent SCHS Band Activity Statement was issued late Monday afternoon (01/22/2024). Please let us know if you see an issue with your statement and we will be more than happy to look into it for you.
SCHS Band Rehearsal and Performance Calendar - Q3 & Q4 with Band Camp Dates
Please click the link below to access you copy of the SCHS Band Rehearsal and Performance Calendar for quarter 3 and quarter 4. Additionally, band camp dates are also listed. As a general rule, the SCHS Band does not schedule any summer activities at the end of May through the first week of July. This is to allow families to schedule vacations and summer camps that are not in conflict with the SCHS Band Camp dates.
New this semester - Every band member will be required to fill out a calendar acknowledgement form, which is electronic and is linked to the PDF of the calendar (either direct by link or by scanning the QR code). This will be due to the band office by Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
If a band member has a conflict or is requesting an excused absence, there is another link on the calendar that will allow students to put in a request for an excused absence. This is a new form and is submitted electronically as well. Both band members and the parent/guardian (based on which email the band members submits for the parent/guardian) will receive a copy of the request, as well as an email that will either approve or deny the request. We ask that any conflicts or requests for excused absences be submitted to the band office by Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
Text Messaging Service
Need something - text the band office at 629-276-2558. Everyone that registered should receive the MNR in a text format, in addition to email.
That's all for now! 
-DB & MC
Stewarts Creek High School Band
[email protected]
615-904-6771 ext. 31600