Samantha Gayton » Ms. Gayton - Biology & Physical Science

Ms. Gayton - Biology & Physical Science


Class Schedule for Fall 2023
Room 615
Block 1 Planning
Block 2 Biology
Block 3 Physical Science
Block 4 Physical Science
Clever is used to access online textbooks, Mastery Connect, and had quick links to canvas, TEAMS, etc.
First-time logging into Clever?
    • use your school email: [email protected]
    • password (it has been reset since last year - use your 7 digit lunch number.  Do not change this password)
Remember to check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password.
*If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office (ext. 31507).
There are remediation opportunities after each assessment. All information and deadlines for remediation are communicated in class, on the class syllabus and on Microsoft TEAMS.
Find your class syllabus, and all lessons, notes, classwork and assignments in Microsoft TEAMS through Clever
Students are responsible for keeping up with missed work when absent.
Microsoft TEAMS class codes:
Block 2  k4strf6
Block 3  y67h6t2
Block 4 rb3uo06