JROTC » Teams


Commanders: Morgan Sheldon and Jimmy Prater
This is the more active team in the Battalion. They focus more on physical activities such as: knot tying, orienteering, runs, and completing obstacle courses. This team also competes in Raider competitions around Rutherford County Schools.  
Commander: Madison Wade
Color Guard is competitive team that also showcases at all football and basketball games and other events throughout the school year. 
Commanders: Joshua Reed, Savannah Desper, Trevor Whelan, Corbin Murphey, Jimmy Prater.
The drill team practices every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 0630 in the morning. The Drill team has five teams that compete at competitions: Platoon, Squad, Exhibition, Female Color Guard, and Male Color Guard. 
Commander: Elsie Unverzagt
Practices Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1530 - 1800. We have 2 teams. Varsity is comprised of 14 cadets each. We've won many awards in the past and even made it to national competitions.
Commander: David Clements
The Academic sub team on the other hand focuses more on ACT type facts, going through each of the four general subjects. The whole point of these teams is to compete on an online test for each of the sub teams, called JLAB Level blank, depending on what level you are on. There are 3 levels for each sub team, both teams must pass each test to proceed to the next level. If we both pass the first two level, the third and final level is competed in Washington DC, completely paid for.
Commander: Anthony Lee Batey
The Robotics team is focused on the construction and programming of Robots.